Thursday, 14 February 2013

Just Write Whatever In My Mind

How To Classified A Book
I’ve finished my task to classification the library books today. Yeah, today I felt good caused of an unpredictable thing that I could finish about 3 full box of books. Yeah I do that also not alone, I did that with my friend, her name is upik. Here I want tell you about my activity.
Okay I’ll start from a week a go, I got a change from my friend who her dad was a teacher to help her prepare the new library on his school. She asked me cause of she knew that I was a student of library and information science, yeah everybody knew that. Okay to short this story I accepted that, and my first work day was on Tuesday.
Up to now Thursday, me and my friend have finished about 10 full boxes of books and each of them is about 50 title of books, and each title there’re about 3 exemplar. You could guess how many book I’ve classified. For your information classified a book is easy but that’s need a carefully because some theme have almost classification number.

I use e-DDC 22. That’s a computer program to help us as a librarian to classification a book. DDC is stand from (Dewey Decimal Classification) that’s a method to classified a book by same theme, the 10 main theme are: general science and computer science, philosophy and psychology, religion, social science, language, natural science, technology, art, literature, and geography. And each of them is part about 10, and that’s forward.
Okay next, after that I wrote on the first page that called “verso page”. The call number. Call number is considered about classification number, third characters of the family name, and then the first character of title of the book, and if it needed you need to wrote the copy of the book (exemplar). Okay classified a book so easy isn’t it?
Okay my activity with my library is over here, because this Monday my class will start and work in the library forward 2 week tomorrow. Sorry friends if my English isn’t good as you, very need your correction to improve my English. So help me please, see you friends! Keep on writing!

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